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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Moral Dilemma

Today as I was walking through the louvre admiring the art I was faced with a desicion. It was a big decision but, in my opinion, not a hard one.

I woke up this morning in Paris feeling excited and full of energy. Today was supposed to be a great day... Today I was going to the Louvre. I got ready, left my fancy hotel room and got a taxi to take me to the world famous art museum. When I got there I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the art. Paintings I had dreamed of seeing, but never thought I would. As I was admiring the art an elderly lady in a wheelchair came up to me and introduced herself as Ada Artlover. We walked around the museum together and even after talking to her for a few minutes I knew that she had lived a good life; full of love and respect. We talked until we came across a painting she said might be the most amazing painting ever.. It was the Mona Lisa. It truly was amazing and we stood there staring at it for what seemed like forever, captivated by the detail and beauty in this one painting. Something broke our trance, it was a sound. At first it didn't seem real, it sounded distant as if it was only coming from our minds. I looked around me and noticed that everyone was running in the same general direction. That was when I noticed what the sound was; it was a fire alarm. I looked from Mona Lisa's face to Mrs. Artlover's face. I knew that she wouldn't make it out on her own and I had to choose between her, or the Mona Lisa. When I looked at Mona Lisa I saw beauty, and a smile that never faded. A piece of art that was worth more money than I could even imagine. I piece of art that would be devastating to lose. When I looked at Mrs. Artover's face I saw terror. I saw terror and sadness all at the same time. I saw the wisdom she held in her eyes, I saw the love she had for her family, I saw every emotion she had ever felt appear in her eyes all at once. Ada Artlover would be devastating to lose. She had people in her life that loved her, that cherished her and wanted her to never die. Of course she was very old and probably didn't have too much time left, but all the more reason to save her instead of a painting. How could I take away any of the time she had left to live? I saved Ada Artlover because it was right. The Mona Lisa is special, but so is Mrs. Artlover. Who am I to say that a painting is more special than a woman, a mother, a grandmother and a friend?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

As I walk down the streets of this small city I think about my surroundings, and how amazing they look under the dark night sky. It is summer, and the sun usually stays up all night, but tonight it's different. Black clouds blanket the sky, letting no light seep through. The only lights I see are the ones lining the street. This light illuminates the road, reflecting every building in the water running through the city. I can smell the sweetness of the rain that is pouring from the sky. Through the sound of the pouring rain I hear something else. It starts as a low grumbling and ends in a loud crack. The sound startles me and I look up, letting the water drench my face, just in time to see a long bolt of lightning slice through the clouds.It was big and bright, and gone is a flash. It's incredible how beautiful a storm can be.

Friday, October 15, 2010


     What if it as winter in Penticton, and the temperature got down to minus 50!? I have been in Yellowknife in this type of weather and I, along with all the other Yellowknifers, can handle it. But what if that happened here... I don't think it's ever been that cold in Penticton and nobody would know what to do!
     If the temperature got down to minus 50 in Penticton I bet the city would be shut down. Everything would be closed, and the people would have to get their food delivered right to their houses. Nobody would be able to use their vehicles, because they wouldn't be able to start since no one would think to plug them in every night. What would they do?! No one would leave their house because they would freeze.. I don't know if people in Penticton own parkas but I find it highly unlikely. I'm sure there would be stories on the local news talking about how it's the coldest it's ever been in the history of Penticton and everyone would be scared.
     If the temperature got down to minus 50 in Penticton... I would laugh.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Top 3 - Things I love about Yellowknife! :)

     I'm sure we all have a favorite place.. Somewhere we feel truly happy, somewhere that we could stay forever. My favorite place is Yellowknife and, to be honest, I love everything about it. But the three things that I love most are: 1. Most of my family is there, 2. It is winter for most of the year, and last but not least - I love Yellowknife because it is my home.
     To me, there is nothing more important than family. I'm happiest when I'm surrounded by family and in Yellowknife I have Granparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, a brother and sister, a stepmom, and most importantly my Dad. I look up to my Dad and I love being in Yellowknife because I get to be with him. It's hard to live in Penticton and be away from all of that but I love going there and being able to see everyone. I'm really close to my family, and th
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at is one of the reasons that I feel really close to Yellowknife.
     Winter is my favorite season. The second reason why I love Yellowknife is because for most of the year, it's winter! Not only is it longer, but there are also way more things to do in the winter then there are here. I love to go sledding, dogsledding, skating, driving on the ice road (it is more fun then it sounds, okay.), and snomobiling. It's way more fun there than it is here because you don't have to go up to the ski hills to go snowmobiling, you can just drive it downtown like a car if you want :) I also love going to Caribou Carnival, the snow king castle, and watching the northern lights. Winters in Yellowknife are a lot different than they are in Penticton. There is WAY more snow and it's dryer, like crystals. There also isn't a whole lot of daylight.. Only about 6 hours each day. In the winter, Yellowknife is the most beautiful place in the world and I wouldn't want to go anywhere but there.
     The third reason why I love Yellowknife is because it's my home. I was born there, and I lived there for most of my life.. I love walking down the streets and everything being so familiar to me. Things there are much different than they are here and when I'm there I feel like I'm in the right place. I've lived in lots of different places since I moved away, and I have never loved any of them as much as I love Yellowknife. I belong in there, and that's why it's my favorite place in the world! :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Holocaust

The Holocaust was a horrific event that killed approximately 6 million Jewish people. It began in January of 1933 by a man named Adolf Hitler and a group of German soldiers called Nazi's. During the Holocaust Jewish men, women, and children were tortured and killed simply because Hitler believed that they were corrupting the pure German race. It started out with racism and discrimination... Jew's were not allowed in certain places, etc. Next they were taken from their homes and sent to concentration camps where they were used as slaves until they died of either exhaustion or disease. They were sent to live in overcrowded ghettos where the old and the weak were killed and the physically able were lucky to survive. Eventually they were transported to extermination camps where they were all killed in gas chambers. The things done to Jewish people during the Holocaust were sickening and if I could go back I would recruit a group of soldiers to go undercover and take down the leaders of the Third Reich to bring fear to the Nazi's and hopefully end the war. Just like the guys in Inglourious Basterds.