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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Macbeth Act II

In the second act of Macbeth, the plan to kill King Duncan has been set. The guards are poisoned by Lady Macbeth, and after a signal that the guards are asleep, Macbeth sets off to carry out with their plan. As he enters the room Macbeth hallucinates. He sees daggers flying towards him and hears a voice saying "Macbeth does murder sleep." After killing Duncan, Macbeth is overcome with guilt. He can no longer think clearly, and enters Lady Macbeth's room covered in blood and holding the dagger he was supposed to place by the guards to make it seem like they killed Duncan. Lady Macbeth is furious, and after telling Macbeth that he is not a man, she goes back to put the dagger in place. Right after this happens Macduff comes to see the King. After finding out that he has been murdered they tell Macbeth straight away. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth act surprised, as if they can't believe that the King was murdered in their house. Out of "fury" Macbeth kills the guards, this way they can't deny killing Duncan, and as predicted by the three witches, Macbeth becomes King.

I predict that throughout the rest of the play killing people will become easier for Macbeth. His conscience will leave him and he will no longer feel guilty. He'll think that it's his destiny to be King and kill anyone who is a threat to him. Things will get carried away and in the end Macbeth with die.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Creative Hour

The best thing in life is.. Definately your family. I know that there are a lot of really good things to be thankful for, but in my opinion family comes before anything else. Of course, you have your friends.. They're there for you when you need someone to talk to, they're fun to be around. But when your friends aren't there, you always have your family. No matter how far away they are, or even if you haven't seen or talked to them for a long time, they're always there for you. They're family, your own blood. No matter what happens you're tied to them and nothing can ever change that. Me and my family are very close. I couldn't imagine not having my friends, but I don't think I could ever manage without my family. Ever since I was a little kid I have always been surrounded by family. Parents, Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles, cousins.. For me there is nothing better than being with my family, the people who have been there with me my whole life. Knowing that there is nothing I could say or do to ever change the way they think of me, and even if we might not always get along, they're still great to have around.

The three "A's" of Awesome

There are many good things in life that go unnoticed, especially when you're going through a hard time. But the little things, the things that make you smile, even if only for a second...  These are the things that are truly awesome.

1. Warm Bed on a Winter's Night
     After a long day, on a cold winter's night, there is nothing better than coming home and crawling into a nice warm bed. Have you ever been so cold that it feels like your BONES are shaking? I know I have.. On cold days I look forward to bedtime. I love the feeling of getting into my bed, under my nice warm blankets. I can feel my whole body relax and I fall asleep real fast.

2. The Cold Side of a Pillow
     The opposite of a cold winter's night... It's now a hot summer's night and you can't fall asleep because you feel all hot and sticky. Disgusting right? When it's too hot to sleep under the blankets, and all you want to do is go to sleep but you can't because you feel like your blood is boiling. On these kinds of nights I love laying my head down on a nice cold pillow. After awhile, the pillow gets warm. I instantly smile when I turn that pillow over, and it's cold.


The Curse of Macbeth

Macbeth... A play written to please a King, only to end in a curse that haunts it forever. King James took an interest in witchcraft, this is the reason Shakespeare created the witches in the first place. The story starts at the first showing of Macbeth, in which there was a scene of three witches dancing around a cauldron and chanting. As the story goes, real witches were offended by this scene, and as payback they decided to curse the play. According to myth, unless you are saying it as a line in the play, saying the name "Macbeth" in a theatre will cause bad luck to the play and anyone involved with it. If you do happen to say Macbeth inside a theatre, you're supposed to go outside, spin around three times saying a profanity, and ask for permission to be let back in. Some people may not believe in this curse, but there have been many things that might make those people rethink this. During the first performance of Macbeth, the actor assigned to play Lady Macbeth became sick and died, forcing William Shakespeare himself to play this role. King James was so displeased with the play that he banned it for five years. In 1672, the man playing Macbeth switched the fake daggerr to a real one, killing Duncan in front of a live audience. During another Macbeth performance in 1849, a riot broke out and 31 people were trampled to death. In 1934, one of the people acting in Macbeth became mute on stage. His replacement got suddenly ill and had to be hospitalized. These are only four incidents out of many that have happened during a performance of Macbeth. Coincidence? Or is the curse of Macbeth a real thing? I'll leave that up to you...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blog Roaming

1. Lindsay Hack's "A Child Called It"
2. Brittany Niedzielski's "My Rant!"
3. Mitch Walton's "Spanish Class"

Novel Journal Entry #1 - The Glass Caslte

"You should never hate anyone, even your worst enemies. Everyone has something good about them. You have to find the redeeming quality and love the person for that." - Jeannette's Mom

As I was reading The Glass Castle this quote really stood out to me. I completely agree with Jeannette's Mom. Hate is a strong feeling and you should never feel that way towards someone else. If you feel that you hate someone, you don't know them well enough. You will never find anyone that every single person likes, you can find something you don't like about everyone. Nobody is perfect, everyone has something bad about them, but there is also something good in every person. Everyone has a good side and a bad side. For some people, you may only see the bad side, or it may just be the only side you notice. For every thing that you hate about someone, there is something you will love. The bad stands out over the good, and if you feel like you hate somebody, all you have to do is look harder.